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We Tested Six Expensive Men’s Razors. One Stood Out.

2023-09-18 22:28| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

COSTS A FORTUNE, BUT IS IT ART? These days premium razors can cost hundreds of dollars. Our mission: To determine whether any justify their price tag. Illustration: Francesco ZorziBy John OrtvedSept. 8, 2023 3:45 pm ET

YOU CAN’T BUY razors at CVS these days without enduring a certain indignity, in that you need to ask for help. So rife has shoplifting apparently become that the stores lock their shaving supplies in cabinets. You must press a big red button that might as well say, “I need an adult.” An employee eventually wanders over with a key, and you find yourself questioning why you’re going through all this for a flimsy, not-even-that-cheap piece of plastic.

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